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Steps with smart moodlighting

Twin steps edged and coved with LVT and smart moodlighting

Sub base structure

Twin steps edged and coved with LVT and smart moodlighting final result

Twin steps edged and coved with LVT and smart moodlighting
Careful steps...
This was a time-consuming and fiddly section. The structure and bracing of the area was straightforward. the overhang, return lip and facilitating the led strip took time and careful work. When laying the planks, I was keen to ensure the pattern would match looking directly down as if the stairs had risen from the floor. This then meant that the step edges had to look like they 'folded' over but the reality of that was that there were odd gaps and the pattern didn't merge. The solution was each singular piece had to be fabricated and 'faked' to look like it folded over. Herringbone is hard. Holding a pattern of narrow pieces to be held in place alongside the next in a vertical edge was definitely a challenge. It was painstaking and probably unnoticed by many but getting it 'right' was very rewarding.
​The LED strips, like the rest in the room are tuneable and dimmable to create the perfect balance mood lighting.
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